Once you come here it is not possible for you not to notice the astonishing architecture. The thing that differs Torun from other cities in Poland, is that it was hardly touched by the Second World War’s bombings. Every stone that you step on while walking the streets is in its original place, not moved since the time the city was built. Torun is rich in tenements from almost every age, yet most of the buildings were reared up in the XIV and XVth century. For this authenticity that comes with its signature red bricks, Toruń is recognized on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997.

Many come to see the ruins of the Teutonic Knights castle, however the true story behind this overthrow is not quite as famous. There was no fire, no war, not any other natural disaster. It was the inhabitants having enough of the lopsided establishment of the city, that started the revolt and tore down the fortress. Since then it is said that as long as the city is independent, the castle shall not be rebuilt.

It is certain that our city is full of surprises. Each year there is approximately 2,5 million tourists coming from all around the world to walk the streets of Copernicus’ hometown. Next to being the home for 200,000 people, Torun is also the city of many art and culture festivals. Alongside Camerimage and Toffifest, we host Bella Skyway Festival. This event taking place in August, brought over 200,000 tourists last year, that celebrated the beauty of Toruń for five days.